A Rare Portrait of Thomas Danforth Boardman - SOLD
here are a very few known portraits of American Pewterers. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has a portrait of Roswell Gleason. Other pewterers' images are known, John Dolbeare, John Carnes, Spencer Stafford.
This portrait of Thomas Danforth Boardman is from Wendell Hilt's collection and is pictured in John Carl Thomas' book Connecticut Pewter and Pewterers. This portrait is one of two known of Thomas Boardman.
Wendell Hilt felt that it was likely this portrait hung in the New York office of the Boardman firm due to the fact that it was found in Southern New York State.
The other portrait of Thomas Danforth Boardman is pictured in Laughlin's Pewter in America It's Makers and Their Marks
This portrait is in very good plus condition with a few old repairs. The stretcher frame measures approximately 25 1/4" X 30 1/4".
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